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The Most Wonderful Day of the Year!

A very special day is upon us, You + Me* Readers – Robbie Burns Day! I’m assuming most of you are thinking “What?” “Who?” or “Cool…do I get that day off from work?” This fine holiday celebrates the birth of Robert Burns, the National Bard of Scotland (he wrote Auld Lang Syne!), and to answer your question, not even Scottish people get the day off from work for it, but they sure get to celebrate anyway. Robbie Burns Day is officially January 25th but it’s usually celebrated with a big supper on the weekend before or after the 25th.

The supper is something to be seen, it involves a Scottish feast, with plenty of haggis (yum….?), poetry readings (…yay?) and -- stay with me here—lots and lots of whisky (yum and yay!). ** If you haven’t figured it out, the whisky is what makes the poetry readings particularly marvelous. Every year, Jackalope throws a Robbie Burns Supper, but it’s morphed from what the Scots traditionally do into something….different. Our celebration usually includes vegetarian haggis (because cooking sheep innards is not one of my favorite past times); the recitations range from Burns originals to sonnets made up on the spot to Hamlet, and finally, we have a piñata. Why? Because everyone loves a piñata. Duh.

Let’s move on to the real reason we’re telling you all this: the whisky. Whisky appears in two forms at Jackalope’s Robbie Burns Supper: the golden drink itself and in our own brew, the Harry Highlander, which we age in a Jack Daniel’s Whisk(e)y Barrel. We wish we could send you all Harry Highlander to celebrate with, but as that might cause a revolt by some of our party-goers, we’ll suggest some other barrel-aged brews that would do the Bard proud:

The Bourbon Barrel Stout, by the Bluegrass Brewing Company shows off the sweetness of the bourbon in it’s aroma, but still has a nice roasty flavor. Allagash’s Curieux, is a Belgian style Tripel that is then aged in Jim Beam barrels to create a curious array of flavors and aromas. And last but certainly not least, Scotland’s own BrewDog has a whisky cask aged imperial stout by the name of Paradox that you’d be extremely lucky to get your hands on.

There are quite a few barrel-aged brews starting to make their way into the craft brew world, but these three are some of our favorites. So however you choose to celebrate your Robbie Burns Day, we think these brews will start you off in the right direction (and if you can’t find the beer, you can always just drink the scotch followed by a beer chaser – nothing wrong with that!). And don’t forget to pour a little out for Robbie…it is his birthday, after all.

** For those of you wondering why I can’t spell, Scotch “whisky” doesn’t have an “e” in the spelling. That’s how you know its’ the real thing.


Keepin' Tabs

Good Morning, all! I hope your weekend was full of fun and excitement (or laziness if that's what you needed). I also hope that you are home today celebrating the life of one of my heros, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He was an incredible visionary who was the voice of an extraordinary movement; one whose work is not yet finished. He and his colleagues reminded us of who we could become as individuals, as communities and as a nation, and we still have work to do. If you're home and looking for a way to celebrate Dr. King's spirit and continue his work, there are service projects happening all over the country today. You can find one here.

If you're like me, MLK Day reminds you that the year is well underway, and if you're even more like me, you are also realizing that you don't have a 2011 calendar (eep!). Here are a few free printable ones to get your year started off right.
First off, I have a huge girl crush on Ez from Creature Comforts. She has this free 2011 calendar up on her blog for all of us to enjoy. Super generous, right? And raise your hand if you're just going to frame that owl because you can't wait for October!

 Next up, this beauty from Jeannie Jeannie, brainchild of Jeannie Huang. I absolutely can't choose a favorite (and believe me, I'm trying). Jeannie just launched her blog, and it is a looker, kids. I hereby predict big things.
This little cat pocket calendar from clovered is so cute and so clever. It reminds me of going to Japantown for lunch with my grandma when I was little and stopping in the Sanrio store after. I want one for every room in the house. かわいいですね (It's so cute, don't you think?)!
And if you're not into these, Big Huge Labs will let you make your own calendar out of photos from facebook, flickr, or pictures that you upload from your computer. You can choose to have them make a letter (8.5x11"), 8x10", or display for cd jewel case. For free! Yay!

It's a big week; Emi and I are flying back to Brooklyn today, and it feels like as soon as I land Elisabeth leaves for Alt (if you are going to Alt too, keep an eye out for her--she's tall, super pretty, and super preggo)! The Jackalope girls are going to suggest some mid-week cocktails tomorrow, Meg is going to rock your culinary world on Thursday and I'll see you right back here on Wednesday and Friday. Have a wonderful day, lovelies! (If you have a few extra minutes, here's the full "I have a dream" speech:)


Gifts of Support for a New Endeavor

When you make a list, do you start over if you have to scribble out a word for some reason? Ok, maybe that’s just me, but I love a nice clean list. It’s similar to my fondness for a crisp, unused notebook or a cup full of perfectly sharpened pencils--they just reek of possibility.

My Adventure Ceramic Tile by mrrob
The new year feels the same to me. It’s all shiny and fresh, not yet sullied by dashed expectations or misplaced plans. It’s when you get to decide what your best self looks like and you start to feel giddy with potential.

Your Job Print by mrrob
This year, I seem to know a lot of people who are bravely embarking on new endeavors—moving to completely unfamiliar locales, changing careers, starting businesses, and generally turning their day to day lives upside down in service to a dream. So as I get excited about my own plans for the upcoming year, I want to wish the best of luck to all of you who are taking flying leaps into 2011. Here are gifts for a friend who has big plans for this year.

Make a Wish Gift Card by lineacarta
Golden Possibilities Necklace and Stepping Stones Necklace by shopclementine

Speaking of good fortune for the year, did you hear that the dates for assigning astrological signs have changed and that there is a thirteenth sign called Ophiuchus? No need to panic, this CNN article will reassure you if that sounds like cause for alarm. I had no idea how many people feel an attachment to their sign even if they don't regularly read their horoscope. Wishing you a lovely weekend, no matter what your sign.


Hot Toddies!

Happy Thursday, friends! Can you believe the week is almost over? Elisabeth is headed back to snowy New York tomorrow, and I'm not far behind. I'm dreading going back, because I've been sick for the last 6 weeks with cold after cold after cold, and I feel like being sick in mild weather is much more tolerable than being sick in terrible cold weather. It's been wonderful to spend some time with my parents, and I actually feel kind of lucky that I've been sick out here, because I have my mom to take care of me (sorry for getting you sick, mom).  
This is the point where I let you in on a little secret. My mom was a no-nonsense mother, one who never ever called in sick for me unless I was a) hospitalized or b) in immediate danger of dying from blood loss. But something switched when I turned 16 or so. She still wouldn't call in for me when I was sick, but she would make me a hot toddy at the end of the day.  She claims it's the go-to drink for colds, because "the honey makes your throat feel better, the caffine takes away the aches and pains, the lemon provides vitamin C, and the liquor kills the germs makes you sleep well." I'm not kidding--she seriously said that the liquor "kills the germs." Once in college, I took it a little too far when I was sick and had like seven of these, and while I may have killed tons of germs, I think I also killed my liver. Not recommended. Now I find one (or two) is just right for a sick-at-home evening while you're curled up with a movie or your trusty DVR. 

Hot Toddy
2T bourbon
2T lemon juice
2T honey
1c hot black tea (I like your classic English Breakfast or Earl Grey)

Combine all ingredients in a mug, and enjoy with some old episodes of Modern Family (I know you've seen them already, but come on, that show is hysterical).

Okay, friends, I'll see you right back here on Monday; I'm sure Elisabeth has something amazing in the works for you tomorrow. And if you happen to get sick this weekend, tell whoever will listen that you need them to run out and get you some bourbon STAT.



Wednesday Miscellany

I know I'm not the only one getting excited about the Altitude Design Summit (I leave in a week!). The prospect of meeting and learning from so many amazing people actually makes me a little giddy. I may even leave with the ability to sign my name using penmanship above a third grade level. Calligraphy class here I come!

Other things that are making me happy right now include:

healthy one pan recipes courtesy of Heidi Swanson--she had me at healthy or maybe it was at one pan

this January gift to myself--I'm not kidding when I say it has revolutionized an activity that used to sometimes feel like a little bit of a pain. So far, I've pulled it out every day this month.

fleece-lined tights for women and babies/girls--Claire and I don't often match, but we've both been rocking these all winter long. I LOVE them.

January's internet crushes--I'm pretty sure if I ran into any of these lovely ladies I would blush and stammer

Oh, and crepes for lunch--even better when eaten with the city sage

Hope your day is a beauty!


Photobooth Dilemma

 (the gorgeous lena corwin at her super fantastic wedding; source)
Hi Ladies,
I want to have a photo booth at my wedding, and I need help thinking of something fun to do with it. My wedding will be outdoors in the summer in my parents' backyard. Thanks so much for your help!

Hi T!
I love, love, love photobooths, and I love the idea of giving your guests fun props to play with at your wedding. In your case, since you'll be getting married in the backyard in the summer, why not play with that and make take some inspiration from old lawn games like croquet and badminton? With so much fun vintage sports equipment and dress-up fodder available these days, the sky is the limit. That said, as always, you want your props to read "well-curated vintage" and not "thrown-together thrift store." Look for old wooden games and accessories that are either in mint condition or are new. Top it off with a background that references the backyard feel, but still looks fresh, and you've got yourself an awesome photobooth.

(clockwise from top left: vintage straw hat on etsy; straw trilby hat, j.crew; tennis racket, etsy)
You might also want to throw in a vintage chalkboard for "keeping score" or writing fun little notes, and some bow ties and sweaters for folks to tie around their necks.
And finally, the pièce de résistance: 
A fun parasol will get folks hamming it up in no time. 
Put all of this party against this pretty background from Purl Soho, and you've got one awesome photobooth situation on your hands. Good luck with your wedding, and we hope you have a fantastic fun-filled day! 


What Little Boys Are Made Of

Welcome to the second full week of this brand spankin' new year. I hope it has been treating you fantastically so far. Last week was a happy one for me, but the absolute best part is that it was full of little things that added up to me getting very excited to welcome this baby boy into the world in eight short weeks (give or take, of course).

I have a tiny confession to make: when I found out we were having a boy this time around, I definitely felt some trepidation. I grew up in a girlie household and then had a baby girl myself. Boys just felt so, well, foreign--until last week, that is. It wasn't anything specific, but rather a bunch of small things that made me realize that little boys are kind of awesome and that a bit of boy energy is going to be an amazing addition to our household. Here are a few things that for whatever reason make me think of my little guy (not to say that girls can't enjoy these things just as much).

Newspaper boats fabric by Heather Ross (I have big plans to make bedding out of this)

Everything by Coral and Tusk makes me grin, including these Ship in a Bottle and Tugboat pillows

This video of Big Jet Plane by Angus & Julia Stone makes me picture our family with a girl and boy.


Counting the Days!

Happy Friday, everyone! Any great plans for the weekend? I popped in to Giggle, one of my favorite baby stores today, looking for a baby gift for one of my favorite people (I'm looking at you, Elisabeth!). It occurred to me that many of us are at the stage where we're buying lots of baby gifts, and thought that I might give you a few recommendations that will guarantee a happy recipient who will get a lot of miles out of your gift.

This diaper wallet is one of the best gifts I received when I was pregnant with Emi. I used it instead of a diaper bag, and I still tuck it into my purse when we leave the house. It has a mat to make any surface a changing table, and two pockets for diapers and wipes.
Many baby books hit one of two extremes: super saccharine or bland, bland, bland. These hit just the right balance of sweet and modern. 
We met these folks at the Martha Stewart Craft Sale, and they could not have been friendlier. They were also super-humble, considering their toys are selling like hot cakes are in high demand. I love the anchor shape of this teething toy. Just because it spends time the baby's mouth doesn't mean that it has to make the mom want to hide it whenever it's not. 
This is a classic toy; there's something about Sophie that all babies love. And it has a long shelf life; after the baby has stopped using it as a teether, he or she will likely continue to love to use it as a special comfort toy or "pet." 
Hope you all have a very happy day! We're working this weekend on some fun and exciting stuff (raise your hand if you just made a million billion teeny-tiny sugar cookies!), and we can't wait to see you back here on Monday. Have a lovely weekend!


Queenie Cooks: Cauliflower with Lemon & Honey

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've spent the last couple of weeks in something approaching a perpetual state of gluttony. Doughnuts, roast beef, tacos, barbecue, sushi, cornbread, collard greens, French onion soup, brussels sprouts tempura (for reals), migas, pancakes, ice cream...trust me, the list goes on. I visited my friends Nick and Louisa in Austin for Christmas and New Year's, and the festivities were sumptuous, to say the least.

All of this I tell you to explain why I'm contemplating a focus on vegetables this week, especially those gently dressed. Now, that doesn't mean I'll be sticking to steamed spinach or forgoing flavor altogether. But it does mean I'll be depending on my trusty stable of meatless delights. Foremost among these is roasted cauliflower.

Cauliflower is ridiculously good for you, and ridiculously low in calories to boot. It's pretty delicious prepared any number of ways, but my personal favorite way to enjoy it is roasted to a seriously dark, crispy finish. Treated such, it takes on a rich, robust character entirely out of keeping with its slightly cabbage-y beginnings.

To play up that richness, I like to toss the roasted caulifower with a light, lemony vinaigrette. And because I like a bit of spice pretty much all the time, I add a sprinkling of crushed red pepper to keep things interesting. Adjust the heat level to your liking, but please don't leave it out - a bit of a kick reminds you that you're still alive, even if you aren't enjoying something fried and topped with icing right this very minute.

Spicy Roasted Cauliflower with Lemon & Honey

1 head of cauliflower, cut into stemmed florets (about 4 cups)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. honey
Zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley

Pre-heat the oven to 450°F. In a large bowl, toss the florets with a tablespoon or so of the olive oil, and season generously with salt and pepper. Grease a jelly roll-style cookie sheet (or shallow roasting pan) with a bit more olive oil. Spread the florets out in one layer on the prepared pan.

Roast the cauliflower for 30-45 minutes, until it is cooked through and dark brown - even black - in most spots. Trust me.

In the meantime, whisk together the lemon juice, honey and a pinch of salt in a small bowl. Whisk in a tablespoon of oil and set aside.

Once the cauliflower is roasted to your liking, remove the pan from the oven and place the cooked cauliflower in a large bowl. Pour the lemon dressing over the hot cauliflower. Toss with the lemon zest, crushed red pepper, parsley and a pinch of salt. Mix well, taste and adjust for seasonings, and serve warm or at room temperature.

Serves 3-4 as a side.


Wednesday Miscellany

(The Hills, Deborah Hemory) 
Happy Wednesday, dears! We landed late last night after a mostly uneventful flight, and I am eager to get up and run in the hills behind my parents' house in the morning. I usually run with my dad, who has a habit of yelling "IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIIIVE!" when he gets to the top of a hill or when he feels particularly inspired. It used to be embarrassing, but (and don't tell anyone this) now I totally get it and am often tempted to join in. We are working on such fun projects; we can't wait to share. This will be a rather sparse Wedensday Miscellany, since I have not really been making the rounds on the interwebs (for shame!), but I hope you enjoy.
 (Photos by Trent, on Dara's blog)
First up, our girl Dara Kent-Cobb (the Mrs. to our friend Trent Bailey Photography) is going balls-to-the-wall with her headpiece line, Preston and Olivia. Let me tell you, ladies and gents, I am going to start wearing headbands just so I can wear her gorgeous pieces. I suggest you do the same.

Also, after finding her Golden print on Etsy, I am officially enamored of Katie Daisy(aka The Wheatfield)'s work.  I mean, come ON. This ampersand is perfection. Her Etsy shop is here (I am taking donations for my newly-sprung Katie Daisy tribute wall), and her website is here.

And have you been following this non-goals trend? The idea is that you make a list of stuff that you are doing right and want to keep doing in 2011. Here are Erin's, Bri's, and Anne's.
Have a lovely day, my dears, and we can't wait to see you right back here tomorrow.

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