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Hot Toddies!

Happy Thursday, friends! Can you believe the week is almost over? Elisabeth is headed back to snowy New York tomorrow, and I'm not far behind. I'm dreading going back, because I've been sick for the last 6 weeks with cold after cold after cold, and I feel like being sick in mild weather is much more tolerable than being sick in terrible cold weather. It's been wonderful to spend some time with my parents, and I actually feel kind of lucky that I've been sick out here, because I have my mom to take care of me (sorry for getting you sick, mom).  
This is the point where I let you in on a little secret. My mom was a no-nonsense mother, one who never ever called in sick for me unless I was a) hospitalized or b) in immediate danger of dying from blood loss. But something switched when I turned 16 or so. She still wouldn't call in for me when I was sick, but she would make me a hot toddy at the end of the day.  She claims it's the go-to drink for colds, because "the honey makes your throat feel better, the caffine takes away the aches and pains, the lemon provides vitamin C, and the liquor kills the germs makes you sleep well." I'm not kidding--she seriously said that the liquor "kills the germs." Once in college, I took it a little too far when I was sick and had like seven of these, and while I may have killed tons of germs, I think I also killed my liver. Not recommended. Now I find one (or two) is just right for a sick-at-home evening while you're curled up with a movie or your trusty DVR. 

Hot Toddy
2T bourbon
2T lemon juice
2T honey
1c hot black tea (I like your classic English Breakfast or Earl Grey)

Combine all ingredients in a mug, and enjoy with some old episodes of Modern Family (I know you've seen them already, but come on, that show is hysterical).

Okay, friends, I'll see you right back here on Monday; I'm sure Elisabeth has something amazing in the works for you tomorrow. And if you happen to get sick this weekend, tell whoever will listen that you need them to run out and get you some bourbon STAT.


Reader Comments (5)

i'm totally trying liquor as a remedy the next time i have a cold!! :) alcohol + mod fam = recipe for wellness.

January 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterashley

I highly approve this message. And I'm sorry you're feeling sick! Boo!

January 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMeg Blocker

it's an enduring message; the "drink while you're sick" thing has stuck with me since i was 16, so it must be good, right?

January 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermiya

I've been sick for weeks too :-( I'm going the toddy route--thanks Miya! from Steph via Assafs account....

January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAssaf A. Harlap

sorry you're sick, steph! hope you feel better--tell assaf to make you some hot toddies! xoxo

January 18, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermiya

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