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Heavy Rotation (Sweets Edition)

Hello, friends! I hope your week is going well. Mine has been a good mix of work, playing with Emi, seeing great friends, and Skype-ing with my mom about our upcoming trip home to California. When my mom and I would chat on the phone when I was in college, she always used to tell me about how my Grandma Libby would call her at college and tell her how many times that week they'd had spaghetti. So now "We had spaghetti three times this week." is our running joke when neither of us has anything interesting to say over the phone (or these days on Skype). And then we generally go on to talk about what we really had for dinner.

Not that there's anything wrong with having the same thing over and over again; on the contrary, that's how we roll, too. Before I sat down to write this, I was imagining sharing some dishes that are currently on repeat in our menu planning.  Then, when I sat down to write, all that started coming up for me were desserts. I promise we eat other things, too, but I guess my brain is fixating on sweets right now.  Without further ado, here are the dessert recipes that get some heavy use at our house. 
Jordy and I both love, love, love Mark Bittman's Mexican Chocolate Tofu Pudding. No, it doesn't taste like tofu, and yes, you should make this tonight.
My other favorite dessert right now is banana ice cream. It's super creamy, is pretty healthy, and requires very little foresight. Here's how you make it: slice a banana and arrange the slices on a pie plate or other freezer-safe dish. Freeze for an hour or 2, then put the frozen slices in your blender & blend. If you're having a hard time getting the chunks to break up, add a little milk or soymilk. Graciously accept the compliments when whoever you're sharing with tells you that you look great for just having slaved over this frozen treat.
David Liebowitz's mint chocolate chip ice cream is ridiculous. That is all.
And finally, Heidi's Triple Ginger Cookies recipe is so, so tasty. I would say I make these in the fall and winter at least once every two or three weeks. They've got a really pleasing amount of heat, and if you take Heidi's suggestion and add a little salt to the sugar these are rolled in, you'll spend your day looking forward to sitting down with one of these bad boys and a nice cup of tea, and then calling your mom/kids/friends to tell them about your cookie consumption for the week. 
What about you?  Any dessert recipes that are in heavy rotation at your house?
[none of these photos are mine; they can all be found at the link to the recipes]

Reader Comments (2)

One of our favorite desserts is very similar to David Leibowitz's chocolate tofu pudding, but with a graham cracker crust. It's the http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/heavenly-pie-recipe.html" rel="nofollow">Heavenly Pie recipe on 101 Cookbooks. Sometimes we use different extracts or spices to adjust the flavor, but I think my favorite version is as written.

No one complains when I make http://orangette.blogspot.com/2007/10/d-e-s-s-e-r-t.html" rel="nofollow">these cookies either (and that may be at least twice a month). You may have seen them referred to as everything from World Peace Cookies to cocoa cookies, but no matter what you call them, they're pure yum.

September 9, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterelisabeth

Please make that pudding the next time I come over. Kthxbai.

September 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeg Blocker

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