Wednesday Miscellany

There is so much amazing stuff floating around the internet this week, and I can't wait to share it with you! Hold onto your hats, dear readers, because this post is about to be a doozy.
Starshaped Letterpress is killing it. I want to get married again just to use these invites.
Do you want these boots? Ohmygosh, me too! We have so much in common!
And furthermore:
* I have two new internet crushes this week--and they both involve the word "supper." Come discover them with me here and here. Awesome, right?
* I want to go check this out.
* You may not know this about me, but I have a terrible pottymouth. It's horrible. I swear like a sailor, but only if that sailor swore so much so as to horribly offend all of the other sailors on his ship. (Tangent: when Emi was born, she was premature so they took her to examine her before I could see her clearly. When Jordy said "She has your mouth," I was seriously worried that she had come out yelling the f-word.) Maybe that's why I find this so funny.
Finally, you'll notice some changes around here starting on Friday. Our little internet crush list is going to get a little shorter as we start to pick a few blogs every month that we love to feature on a monthly "internet crushes" page. We'll also be introducing a "featured vendors" page to introduce you to folks who are doing amazing work. Long story short, we're making room for some ads on this here blog. Nothing offensive, we promise. Unless it's my personal ad, in which case, I can't promise I won't accidentally drop an f-bomb. If you'd like to advertise with You + ME*, drop us an email at youplusmestyling{at}gmail{dot}com. Our rates are super reasonable with small businesses in mind.
Happy Wednesday, everyone! Go forth and conquer!

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