Yesterday was a lovely little day. Miya and I ate the most delicious lunch (sans babies) at one of my favorite neighborhood restaurants,
Peacefood Cafe, and concluded our meal by purchasing an abundance of baked treats to
enjoy by ourselves share with our husbands and girls. Then, after feeding little Claire a well-balanced dinner and putting her to bed, I may have convinced my husband that carrot cake constitutes a meal. This was the bonus points section of the day since it meant that not only did I happily savor my entire humongous piece of carroty goodness instead of the more appropriate half I had planned to eat, but I also had an extra waking hour to lounge on the couch reading fall magazines.
Maybe I was getting in the spirit for my upcoming birthday or maybe I wanted to treat myself after a few weeks of feeling a bit tired and run down, but in any case, I went to bed last night feeling pretty darn cheerful. That's when I realized that gifts to oneself are a totally unappreciated and yet utterly essential ingredient for a happy life. So the next time you arrive at the subway just in time to watch the doors close in your face, you get caught in a rainstorm in a white shirt with no umbrella, or you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed, take it as a sign from the universe that you're supposed to bring a little joy into your life. Here are some little things that never fail to make me smile:
Freya Art. Although we have a number of Freya's prints hanging in Claire's play area, sometimes I just have to browse to her shop to get my fill of her whimsical drawings and thoughtful words. I think I'm going to stock up on some of her cards soon, so I can share the good cheer.
Lucky bamboo. How could you go wrong with something that actually has the word lucky in its name? You can't, which is why this should be in everyone's house. Like just about everything these days, you can order stalks of lucky bamboo online, but I think it's more satisfying to pick some up when you feel like your luck needs a boost. The stalks range in price from $5-$20 depending on their length and type, but they last forever with pretty minimal care. My husband and I bought five stalks (which is supposed to bring happiness and good and balanced luck in all aspects of life) when we first moved in together about five years ago. Other than changing the water when we think of it, which admittedly isn't very often, we've done nothing to care for them. Since then we've gotten married, found the perfect apartment in the same building as our first one, and brought an amazing little person into the world. I'm pretty sure it was the lucky bamboo.
Jonathan Adler. Visiting a Jonathan Adler store is the equivalent of your parents saying "don't smile" until you crack, even though you were intent on making your poutiest face forever. I know, I know, you're not really into animals or pop art, and his stuff really would not complement your decor in any way. Visit anyway; you don't actually have to buy anything (although you might be tempted once you're there). I dare you not to crack a grin.
Waffles. This one may seem particularly random, but then ask yourself, have you ever seen someone unhappy while eating waffles? I haven't. I think it may be impossible. Waffles make the best gift to yourself when eaten for dinner . . . on a weeknight . . . with mimosas. Just you wait, you'll be thanking me for this one.
Enjoy your weekend!
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