Give it Up for Older Siblings

Picture it: you’re the center of your little universe, being doted on by everyone who steps over the threshold and into your domain, when suddenly a tiny, screaming bundle usurps your place as the baby. Now there may be benefits that come with your new, more mature role as an older sibling (For instance, it’s not totally clear who will be the boss over this thing, but it seems plausible that you’ll have some level of authority. Plus, you have a better chance of carrying out some of your experiments like “do dogs want to wear lipstick?” and “does mom’s jewelry float?” if your parents are distracted by the bundle). Even so, recent developments on the home front are disquieting to say the least.
That’s where those adoring friends and family come in. On behalf of older brothers and sisters everywhere, I implore you to show a little love to the forgotten sibling. Chances are mom and dad have stacks of onesies and swaddling blankets laying around after baby number one. Give the new baby something small and sweet and give the older sibling something that will keep him/her occupied during mom’s marathon feeding sessions.
Here are some gifts that will have those kiddos begging for another brother or sister:
Clockwise from top: Aromatic Play Clay by Mama K; Sunprint Kit at Sprout Home; Wooden Stringing Beads at Pin Pon by Dayanara; Kimmel Kids Art Tools at the A Plus Store


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