Wednesday Miscellany, Etsy Edition!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 07:00AM
Yay, I love Wednesday Miscellany! As Elisabeth can tell you, I am ALL about randomness. Which means that it's good that I have her as my business partner because she challenges me to be more...let's just say focused and leave it at that. And she does it tactfully, always, which is totally a skill I wish I had. Let's get right into it, shall we?
First up, I have been doing all (ALL) of my Christmas shopping on Etsy and through independent designers that we met at the Martha Stewart Craft Fair. It's hard not to ruin any surprises since I found such neat stuff, but I did find these, which are blowing my freaking mind right now:
floral vintage scissors, cori kindred on etsy
I also badly want to buy this little getup for Emi, though at this point, I am convinced that she may never ever wear a hat. (Any moms have tips out there for convincing their spirited kids that frostbite is no good? If one more person tells me on the street that my howling-because-she's-freezing-her-ass-off kid needs a hat because she's cold, I'm going to lose it. Ahem.) Good thing the jacket is adorable, too.
Apple Blossoms Hat, Snowdrops Designs on Etsy
I have a major crush on Lisa Congdon. Observe:
Really? Is it fair that one person gets this much talent? She is KILLING ME with that whale. I hope your Wednesdays are going swimmingly, my lovelies. I am off to go caroling tonight with Meg. That girl can sing the roof off a house, and I can't wait to sing Christmas music with her. Want to know a secret? I'll also be packing tissues because Christmas music makes me really emotional. Three strains of O Holy Night into it, I'll be the one in the back pretending like I've got something in my eye. If you happen to see me there, kindly look away. I'll be ever so grateful.
Elisabeth has been KILLING over on Holiday lately. If you haven't checked it out yet, go! now!
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