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Wednesday Miscellany: Prep Edition

East coasters might not find anything odd about the notion of boarding or prep school, but as a Northern Californian that entire world was completely foreign and utterly intriguing to me (I honestly believed that boarding school was a euphemism for rehab or reform school). Now that I've lived here for almost 7 years, I know more than a handful of people who attended these schools and none of them were sent there for Lindsay Lohan-esque behavior. I'm not sure I've admitted it to them, but in my head, they all went to Rushmore Academy and every fall I wish I was going to school there too.

Of course, I'd have to study up. I could go old school with classics like Take Ivy and The Preppy Handbook, but I think I'd also have to get some new school tips from True Prep.

Please tell me I can roll up to campus in a woody and everyone will be dressed like the Hilfigers:
Or like this group by Partners & Spade for Boast:
spotted via Simple Lovely

Since I'm well past boarding school age, I'll have to live vicariously through film. Luckily, there are two pieces of good news for Wes Anderson fans (like us!) jonesing for their fix:
(1) The Criterion Collection is releasing a super fantastic edition of The Darjeeling Limited (one of my personal favorites) on October 12. If you're not familiar with Criterion, they produce special editions of "the greatest films from around the world" in the highest quality possible and with amazing supplements and gorgeous cover art. Can we say holiday present?
(2) Wes Anderson has begun pre-production on his next live-action project, titled Moonrise Kingdom (via Production Weekly). I know I can't wait to find out what it is.

Oh, and in other miscellany:
Pretty Mommy is hosting a recipe exchange. Do you know what that means? A new, delicious fall recipe every weekday--if that doesn't inspire you to get your cook on, I don't know what will. Today's recipe is from Katie at The 30 Girl. Expect a little something from us on October 14 and November 4. 

Also, guess who we'll be wandering around with downtown this Saturday? If you guessed her and them, you were right! I'm pretty sure only good things can come about with that cast of characters. 

Happy Wednesday!

Reader Comments (6)

Yes. Prep school was JUST LIKE THAT, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeg Blocker

Hooray, that's just what I needed to hear!

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterelisabeth

oh, meg, you know prep school involved a lot more musical theater for you.

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commentermiya

And Glee Club, too. But in the prep school sense, not the show choir sense. And lots of existential broodiness. But, you know...in plaid.

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMeg Blocker

I have a tiny obsession with The Darjeeling Limited - a combo of prep and exotic - swoon!!

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPretty Mommy

Meg, I would have fit in at prep school after all. I think my teenage talent was existential broodiness.

Michelle, I know, right? It always makes me feel so dreamy. By the time I get to the closing credits I'm always researching trains across India (and personalized LV luggage sets).

October 6, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterelisabeth

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