Pint-Sized Finds for 40oz-Sized People

Happy Monday, lovely people! It was a glorious, glorious fall weekend here in New York. The weather was perfect for farmers' marketing (check), meeting friends for dinner (check), and family walks in the park (check, check, check). Let's dive right into the gathering, shall we?
This is why that makes me so excited: I'm a big, big fan of buying kids' clothes for myself. Wearing kids' clothes is a great way to save money, and you'll be wearing something you can be pretty sure that no one else in your social circle will be rocking, unless you're a teacher. And, because I'm short, some pieces fit better than adult versions because they're shorter in the torso and sleeves.
Laundered Shirt, Mini Boden
Two-Button Schoolboy Blazer, Crewcuts
Even kids' accessories are cute sometimes, and can add a fun touch to your outfit if you, unlike me, don't want to go rummaging around in the kids' department for your clothes, or if your body fits better in clothes cut for adults.
Just remember, my darlings, one piece at a time. The key is to mix pieces with other stuff to make them unrecognizable as kids' clothes. A boys' blazer with a rumpled button-up shirt, skinny jeans and oxfords = effortlessly cool. A boys' blazer with khakis and a white polo shirt = grade school uniform. Keeping that in mind, your sartorial hunting grounds have just expanded--go forth and explore!
P.S. We're participating in My Pretty Mommy's recipe exchange. Every day for the next few weeks, Michelle will have folks over to her blog to share their favorite recipes with you, and we'll be telling you lovely folks about what's cooking over there. Be sure to check out Michelle's recipe for Taco Soup here!

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