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Entries in holiday (17)


Gifts For Those That Make Your World Go Round

Dear YOU + ME*,

I consider myself pretty on top of my holiday shopping, but I always get stuck when it comes to gifts for some of the people who make my daily life run smoothly. I'm talking about people like my mail carrier, the UPS guy who I know all too well, my doorman, and my hair stylist. I know cash is always appreciated, but it feels a little cold when I actually know most of these people pretty well. Can you help me figure out the right balance between cash and a more thoughtful gift?


Dear D.,

This is such an important question. You sound like the kind of person who makes an effort to be thankful to the people who make your world go round on a daily basis, but it's particularly nice to show them that you're appreciative around the holidays, especially since everyone is probably leaning on them extra hard right around now (you should see the stack of boxes Kenny, our UPS guy, has been wrangling lately). We have a few ideas that will make your tipping and gifting a little easier.

Courtesy of Blueprint Magazine
The first step (and it sounds like you've already started this) is making a list of who you want to thank and whether they typically receive a cash tip or a gift. Make it easy on yourself by turning to this handy guide from the former Blueprint magazine (*sniff).

Do you know anyone who dislikes peppermint bark? Me neither, that's why it's a great gift

Next, determine how much cash you will need and pick up some crisp, large bills from the bank. A wad of crumpled bills from the bottom of your purse just isn't going to feel like a holiday gift. The truth is, even though cash can feel a little cold, it is tremendously appreciated. Our family tends to give cash gifts with a note of thanks written on our holiday card. This is particularly nice if you're not hand delivering the gift since photo cards help the recipient place you.

Coffee from your local roaster and homemade chocolate biscotti

If you feel like your relationship with the giftee has a personal component, you can most certainly give baked goods or a homemade gift too--just don't skip the cash, no matter how good your snickerdoodles are.

A simple, but high quality calendar, like these from The Paper Thieves

For those individuals who can't accept cash tips or for whom a small gift is just more appropriate, we've included a few thoughtful and always appreciated ideas.

A cute tote with something small inside
We hope your holiday season is filled with joy!


Do you have a question for us? While we can't promise to answer every question that comes our way, we love to hear from you. Drop us a line at hello[at]gmail[dot]com.


Still Thankful

Martha Stewart Holiday Craft Sale
Yes, this week has been a little lighter than normal in the posting department, but we'll be back in full swing on Monday. The past few days have been full of wonderful adventures and we keep marveling at the fantastic, creative people we have in our lives--yes, we mean you. Here it is a little more than a week after Thanksgiving and we find ourselves more thankful than ever for friends, both old and new. We're also thankful for our families who love and support us in all our endeavors, so we hope you'll understand if we spend today giving them our full attention (there may be some Christmas trees, hot cocoa, and mistletoe involved).

Oh, and tomorrow we're going to spend some quality friend time together checking out the Martha Stewart Holiday Craft Sale. We hope to see you there!



The Monday After

Hello, friends! We hope you had an absolutely fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. It's always hard to jump back into work after a long weekend, so we won't tell your boss if you decide to ease your way in by sipping on a fancy coffee drink and indulging in some blog reading.

As we've mentioned before, for the rest of the holiday season, we'll be posting on YOU + ME* Holiday on Mondays and Fridays. Today, we've gathered up some gift wrapping goodness for your enjoyment (after all, you have to do something with all of your Black Friday scores). Today's post is also a part of our Un-Gift Guide, which means it's about more than just pretty packaging.

Did you happen to see Brooklyn Bride last Wednesday? If so, you would have seen the inspiration board for our stop motion save the date with the fantastic Trent of Trent Bailey Photography (just a little peek above). Hop on over there today and you can see the full video.

Enjoy your Monday!


Happy Friday!

Hello friends. Aren't you excited for the weekend? We'll be moving my sister into an apartment a few floors above ours, preparing for visitors arriving on Tuesday, and doing some of the prep work for Thanksgiving. May I suggest laying out your serving dishes with little notes indicating what should go in them and making a cooking schedule?

Toasted Oatmeal and Bruleed Oatmeal from Martha Stewart
 Oh, and make sure you have an easy and wholesome breakfast on hand for Thursday, so you don't pass out before the turkey even makes it out of the oven. I think we'll be going with baked oatmeal (this recipe is similar to how I make it, though I usually use just a smidge of maple syrup instead of sugar and sometimes I throw in a couple whisked eggs for protein).

Are you visiting someone else for Thanksgiving? Even if you're going to your parents' house, we know you'd never show up empty handed. Here are some suggestions for host/hostess gifts that will make you a welcome guest:

 Small, inexpensive gifts

The very best of hostess gifts

  When it's time to meet the parents

Thoughtful goodies and tasty treats are lovely, but the best host/hostess gift you could give on Thanksgiving is a slide show of wonderful memories (though a photo book of past Thanksgivings would be pretty great as well) . It could be filled with photos of the family and friends you're celebrating with from the past year, images of the various things you're thankful for, or pictures from Thanksgivings past. You could even put a call out for multiple slide shows and have a post-dinner viewing party.

Miya posted instructions for how to put a slide show together using iphoto and included a pretty starting and ending image for your downloading pleasure right here. If you send us your slide show before Thanksgiving day, we'll post some that day (because you guys are one of the things we're thankful for!).

And finally, time is running out to sign up for our Spread the Cheer gift exchange. We have some fantastically creative people signed up already, so we can guarantee you'll have fun with this.  

Have an lovely weekend!


100th Post-iversary! And Giveaway!

We're thrilled to announce that we've been around for, wait for it . . . 100 posts! Oh fine, it's not that long in the grand scheme of things, but here at YOU + ME* we like to celebrate the little milestones. Plus, a lot has happened during those 100 posts. We've gathered both things and ideas from around the web, responded to reader dilemmas on topics far and wide, offered gift ideas for even the most unusual situations, introduced an amazing new contributor, launched a new blog, become contributors on Brooklyn Bride, and started work on some still hush hush projects that are guaranteed to knock your socks, stockings, or flip flops right off. Most importantly, we've gotten to know all of you--you're pretty great!

Mini-milestones are so much more exciting when commemorated with food, drinks, and party favors. That is why I'm baking up some of these guys, Miya is popping the champagne (and having a glass for me), and we're sending the party favors to one of you.

Remember this cozy couples shower with the pom pom photo backdrop? Well, those pom poms happen to make fantastic holiday decorations. String them across your mantle, dangle them from the chandelier, hang them from your tree, use them for a photo backdrop, or tie them on all your gifts. Anywhere the pom poms go, a party is sure to follow.

To enter: Leave a comment on this post mentioning at least one item shown in the header of our holiday blog by next Friday, November 12. We'll randomly select one of you to receive a huge pile of fluffy, cozy, sparkly pom pom goodness.

Happy weekend to you!

P.S. if the prospect of receiving treats in the mail instead of bills and catalogs makes you giddy with excitement, then hop on over to Holiday where you can sign up for our Spread the Cheer Gift Exchange.  We're just dying for an excuse to send you something.


Introducing YOU + ME* Holiday!

We just love the holidays over here at YOU + ME*. Could it be because you can embellish every surface of your home without being accused of “overdoing it?” Is it because drinking cocktails and dressing up are de rigueur, even on weeknights? Or maybe it’s because glitter gets to shoulder more than its fair share of the decorating burden. In any case, holidays are fantastic and we’re thrilled to share them with you on our new blog YOU + ME* Holiday.

Think of Holiday as YOU + ME* Equals, but wearing a tutu, eating birthday cake, and drinking champagne . . . while setting off firecrackers. It’s, you know, restrained. We’re not saying you must have an incurable fondness for sparkle and whimsy to enjoy it, but a cheerful disposition certainly helps.

If you don’t feel like adding another blog to your regular reads, never fear, many of our holiday ideas will be featured right here as well on Mondays and Fridays. But if you feel like immersing yourself in all things merry, these ideas will be consolidated on Holiday, along with some additional festive features. What you can expect on Holiday:
Do pop over and join us for some fun. We'll be there . . . with bells on!

Oh, and take a peek at our November Internet Crushes (don't worry October's crushes are there too in case you're a little behind).


Yes, We Know It's Only September

I'm going to do something a little taboo and possibly very upsetting if you're someone who writes letters of protest when your favorite store starts playing holiday music sometime in early November. Just hear me out though. I promise I'm writing this for good reason.
Image from the phenomenal fall issue of Sweet Paul. I can't get enough.

You would never catch me swooning over the smell of a fir tree, watching a holiday movie, or even humming Jingle Bells before Thanksgiving. I adore the holidays and embrace them with gusto from Thanksgiving through New Year's day. But for me, fully appreciating the month of December means spending very little time purchasing presents and a whole lot of time making every day a festive occasion. In fact, the gift aspect of the holidays can make the whole thing feel so blah and commercial that before you know it, you're scowling at the Santas standing on street corners and considering shoving tourists just to watch them spill their peppermint cocoas out of those ubiquitous red cups (um, or maybe that's just how I feel). To avoid that feeling, I make a concerted effort to give people gifts that don't feel generic--gifts I'm actually excited about giving (I know it's the right present when I have to use every ounce of my willpower not to tell the recipient about it in advance) and that I hope the recipients are happy to receive.

Many, but certainly not all, of these gifts take more thought and preparation than you can fit into the month of December. The good news is if you take care of them now, you'll have plenty of time to watch Elf, make latkes, or perfect your eggnog recipe while everyone else is fighting the masses at the mall. Here are a couple suggestions that require a long lead time and then we promise, we'll let you get back to lusting after new fall clothes or reacquainting yourself with butternut squash after a summer of zucchini. 

Quilts by MonaLeisa. Leisa truly creates works of art. In this case, she was using fabric that had sentimental value, but typically she uses her impeccable eye to put together modern combinations of patterns and colors. You've never seen quilts like this before.

Have something made. For as long as I can remember, I have received a pair of pajamas on Christmas Eve to wear that night. What makes these pjs special is that my mom, sister, and now Claire receive matching pairs (I'd share a photo, but I'm not ready to be featured on Awkward Family Photos: holiday edition). Sometimes the theme of the pjs relates to something significant about that year (there was definitely a dog theme the year I adopted Tahoe and of course, a millennium theme in 1999) and sometimes they are just cozy pjs, but they each take me back to that particular Christmas. During one of my many fits of organizational frenzy last year, I realized that after 30 years, I had a whole lot of pajamas spilling out of my drawers. I couldn't bear to part with them, so rather than cull my collection, I used them as the basis for what I knew would be the perfect gift for my mom and sister. Since I don't sew anything more complicated than buttons, I had the amazing MonaLeisa turn my pj collection (supplemented by my sister's leftover pajama tops) into three gorgeous quilts. The look on my mom's face when she unwrapped her quilt made it quite possibly my all time favorite gift giving moment. 

How you do it. Commissioning almost anything you can think of is actually a lot easier than it seems. There are two routes you can take: posting your project and requesting bids or approaching artists/vendors directly. Alchemy on etsy makes it ridiculously easy to request bids for whatever strikes your fancy (a Nacho Libre costume, a coupon organizer for your purse, even something to scare away your four year old's nightmares--all real requests). Just look for the "alchemy" button under "ways to shop" on the homepage. Once you click it, you'll be taken to a long list of requests for custom items to which you'll just "add new request" via the button at the top of the list. In less than 24 hours, I received over 100 bids for the quilt project. All I had to do was select the person whose style best matched my preferences.

Contacting artists/vendors directly is just as simple, although it can feel slightly more intimidating. Is there an artist or illustrator whose style your significant other absolutely loves, but you have a specific subject in mind? Did you see a piece of jewelry that is almost, but not quite perfect for your sister? Do you just have a hunch that the guy who builds gorgeous coffee tables would be able to construct your daughter's dream doll house? Just ask. You be the judge of whether it makes the most sense to call, email, message through etsy, or speak with the individual in person, but definitely convey why you think he/she is just the right person for the job. The worst case scenario is that he/she is not interested, but your best case (and in my experience, most likely) outcome is that you will end up with a gift that is exactly right for the recipient. 

My grandma made this Raggedy Ann for Claire's first birthday last year. Although Claire is the first great grandchild, my grandma has 25 grandchildren from ages 0-31. That's a lot of sewing and knitting. I know for a fact, she starts working on holiday presents in the summer at the latest.

Make something yourself. Sure, this seems fairly obvious, but here is what usually happens: Sometime shortly after the New Year, it crosses your mind that you're going to save money by making all of your holiday gifts next year. You think of it again over the summer--relieved that it's not time to start yet--and promptly put it out of your head. On December 10 (the month is in double digits now!) you realize you have not come up with a plan, purchased supplies, or made anything. You either pull a series of all nighters, replete with tears and craft induced injuries because you're so exhausted, or you frantically buy candles and scarves for everyone on your list. It's not a good thing. 

How you do it. If you plan to make something this year, my best advice is START NOW. Sorry, I'm not yelling at you. I just know from firsthand experience that making things under duress is almost always a miserable experience and I'm trying to spare you. By all means, knit scarves, can your special chunky applesauce, or build a play kitchen. Just try to do at least some preparation now. If you order supplies, figure out the perfect packaging, or even make everything when you're not busy attending holiday parties and baking gingerbread, you'll be so much happier come December.

If all this sounds a little anxiety provoking, we're happy to help you, but even we need a little lead time if say, your favorite aunt has always wanted to see the Rockettes perform and she lives in Minnesota or you want to give personalized prints to your 300 closest friends. You have plenty of time to make magic this holiday season and if you start thinking about it now, it can actually be a source of joy instead of stress.  Okay, back to welcoming autumn.

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