Roasted Peach Frozen Yogurt!

It is hot here in the city. I mean, like "take your clothes off and lie in front of the fan and chores and nosy neighbors be damned" hot. On the bright side, though, this is the kind of weather that makes ice cream feel like a legit meal. What are we having for lunch? Ice cream? Perfect.
I recently got my husband an ice cream maker for his birthday per his request. Did he request said ice cream maker because he loves to cook? Au contraire. It was because he saw all of the delicious homemade ice cream in the June/July issue of ReadyMade, and wanted me to take up making ice cream for him. Given that ice cream is my favorite food ever (this whole pie v. cake nonsense is silly to me, mainly because the clear winner is ice cream), I happily obliged. I've churned out a few batches so far, but the very best is this little treat I put together last weekend.
I decided to roast my peaches, since it is still early in the season and they were a bit tart and firm. And you know what? It might be one of the better culinary decisions I've made. The roasting brought out a deeper peach flavor, and made the texture better for the yogurt. This has just a sprinkle of sugar (not even necessary if your peaches are sweet) and the tiniest bit of honey. It may even be healthy enough to call a meal.
Roasted Peach Frozen Yogurt
4 peaches, preferably local and organic
1 17.5 oz container of greek yogurt (the higher the fat content, the creamier your yogurt will be!)
1 cup whole milk (I used 1/2 cup of buttermilk instead of 1/2 of the cup of milk, because I like the tang)
1T vanilla extract
honey to taste (I ended up using about 1/8 cup)Preheat oven to 375. Cut the peaches in half and lay cut side down in a rimmed baking dish. If the peaches are still very tart, sprinkle with sugar to taste (I used about 1tsp. organic brown sugar). Cook for 35-45 minutes, until the peaches soften and bubble. They may also start to brown on the tops. Let cool for at least 15 minutes, then chop into 1/4-inch chunks. Reserve the syrup-y juice from the bottom of the pan. Set aside.
In a medium-sized bowl, combine yogurt, milk, vanilla, and honey if you wish to add it. You can always sweeten more later. Whisk until mixture is smooth. Pour mixture into your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. Five minutes before the end of your churning time, add the peaches and syrup that you reserved. Taste the mixture and sweeten more if desired.
When your yogurt is finished churning, transfer to an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours before eating. (This is an instance where "Do as I say, not as I do" applies very well.)

Reader Comments (1)
Elephants and coffee explain all my personality! I am happy, energetic person with freelance writing jobs, who always wants to sleep, but don't do that. And peaches are my another side